
ScrollBite Co

    • الولايات المتحدة
    • مطاعم وفنادق


ScrollBites is for people looking to eat out and want to discover restaurant dishes that are tried, loved, and shared by other people in their area.


Delicious food is the only thing we cannot compromise on when eating out, yet very little information is available on what's recommended by our friends or community. Consequently, we spend 20-40 minutes searching for nearby restaurants that all look too familiar, one by one, painfully trying to make a decision that we hopefully won’t regret.


Scrollbites solves this problem by showing you the latest and most popular dishes near you that people ate, loved, and shared. There is no room for bad dishes on ScrollBites, only the ones people loved.

هل تبحث عن فرصة للعمل عن بعد؟

حدد التخصصات التي ترغب في العمل بها لنرسل جديد الوظائف أسبوعيا إلى بريدك الإلكتروني

برمجة وتطوير
تسويق ومبيعات
كتابة وترجمة
إدارة وأعمال
دعم فني
المجالات الأخرى